Here is the south there's a burn ban that goes into effect every spring and lasts through fall because of drought conditions. When does it start? TOMORROW! What have I been doing EVERY SINGLE MOMENT I'VE HAD OFF SINCE THE MIDDLE OF APRIL? Piling up logs and burning them. I hate it. I just hate it. I can't wait for tomorrow so there will be no more burning and I can finally clean my house and start blogging again. Sorry for the wait guys.
On the other hand, Here's a picture of me and Manfriend on the ONE afternoon we both managed to get off work early. He looked at me as we drove home from work at 3 in the afternoon past the ballfield and said "Hey. You wanna catch a game tonight?" Just like that. Manfriend has NEVER asked me out on a date. Not even when we first met. (I asked him out. To a football watching party at his house. Which included me, him, and Fergus the dog who is not really called Fergus except when I wish to annoy Manfriend) So we went on our first date after living with each other for four months (and dating for many more) to a local ball club's home game. WOOT!
(picked this one because I knew it would aggravate Manfriend)
(And I picked this one because he's actually pretty hot!)
More soon with the coming of more time to devote! Happy Tuesday!
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