Monday, July 15, 2013

Even Celebs Go Natural!

We're  not sure if you're seen this wonderful article yet or not, but we're so excited about it!! We found this on Yahoo's website. What do you do for your skin to keep it healthy and clear?

Jennifer Aniston: I ate a Big Mac and felt 'terrible'

July 3, 2013 at 1:06 PM ET
IMAGE: Jennifer Aniston
WireImage file
Jennifer Aniston's not lovin' it at McDonald's.
It's no surprise that Jennifer Aniston watches her diet, but she has good reason to do so. After so many years of eating carefully, just a little junk food can turn her stomach.
In an interview about her beauty habits for New York Magazine, Aniston admitted a recent fast-food indulgence was not a good idea.
"I'll never forget when Justin [Theroux] and I were on a road trip and we were so hungry," she told the magazine. "The only thing around was McDonald's. I think I ordered a Big Mac. Wow, my body did not react well to that!"
Aniston explained that because the quick fix was so foreign to her body, her reaction was understandably bad. "It was like putting gasoline in a purified system," she said. "I am always trying to eat organic and natural foods, so that just made my stomach turn and made me feel terrible. And I think what you put in your body, as well as stress, is reflected in the quality of your skin."
Aniston recommends that fans lean on good old water and other healthy basics to stay healthy and fit. "I can never stress enough to my friends that they must do as I do ... hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!" she said. "Drink lots of water, get enough sleep, exercise, and eat a clean healthy diet, whenever possible."
But she doesn't recommend emptying your wallet on pricey cosmetics, even though she can well afford it. "When I started making enough money to afford high-end, fancy skincare products with sexy bottles and impressive claims, I decided to give them a try," she said. "As a result my skin acted up and got irritated. I think sometimes women may be overcleansing their skin. Some products and masks can be too aggressive and irritating for certain skin types. I believe the more simple, natural, and easy the skin care regime, the better off your skin will be."

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