Thursday, May 30, 2013

Keeping it Photogenic: The Art of Taking Pictures for a Blog

A while back, I wrote a post about how I couldn't find my camera, had no idea how Manfriend's picture taker worked and I was unsure when I would be uploading pictures. Well, I finally figured out how to take the photos (no guarantees on how good they are). Then I ran into the problem of not having any stock to take pictures of. Problem also solved- with a good bit of money, patience in waiting for the stuff to arrive, and sweat in product preparation.

So I got out Manfriend's little camera and I toted all my stuff outside and I found a decent space to start snapping away! (which really means I found a level space to put my stuff on- trust me, that's not an easy feat)

So... without further ado, I'd like to show you all some of my lovely photos. Also to be included in many later posts about the products themselves and on the webpage!! I just can't wait!!!

Lemon Sugar Smothers, Cafe Mocha Scrub, and Anti-Bug Balm Cube

(I thought the lavender in the background was a lovely touch)

Lemon Sugar Smoother and Anti-Bug Balm Cube

Lemon Sugar Smothers, Cafe Mocha Scrub, and Anti-Bug Balm Cube

Anti-Bug Balm Cubes

Love to hear your feedback, anytime! And, (shameless plug- I won't do it often, I promise) Feel free to pin anything you like to Pinterest. I'd love the shares, I'd love to have more people joining, following, and checking out the blog and the goods. 

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